50 Cute Animal Facts with images

Cute Animal Facts

50 cute animal Facts with images that i want to share whether you are nature lover or just curious by nature. Then this post about 50 Cute animal facts with images is for you and you are at the right place. If you find any new cut animal fact below 50 cute animal facts then please make sure to share this post with your friends.

1. First Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

The Largest Spiders in the world Tarantulas can live without food for more than two years.

2. Second Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

The nose print of a dog can be used for its identification they are kind of fingerprints for us humans and are absolutely unique to each animal.

3. Third Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Snakes Don't Blink so, don't try to engage in a staring contest with one.

4. Fourth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

 If you have ever wondered what the most popular name for a goldfish is "JAWS" and we thought we are so creative.

Cute Animal Facts

Another thing to consider if you are thinking about getting yourself a goldfish don't keep it in the dark it will turn pale then you will have pale fish that is not quite as interesting.

5. Fifth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Woodpeckers are extremely efficient they can peck wood 20 times a second how do they not get a splitting headache.

6. Sixth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

If you put a jellyfish under bright sunlight, you won't find it because it will evaporate. These creatures are 98% water.

7. Seventh Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A hippo's sweat is pink well in fact it is not exactly sweat it is an oily reddish fluid which not only cools the hippo's body but also moisturizes and protects its skin this blood sweat also contains antibiotic properties.

8. Eighth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Macaques in Japan have figured out how to buy snakes from vending machine yeah they pay with coins and everything so next time you are struggling with a vending machine remind yourself a monkey can do it.

9. Ninth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Frogs don't need to drink water because it is absorbed through their skin.

10. Tenth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Hopefully you don't have scolasophobia or a fear of worms if so don't book any trip to south Africa where these creatures can reach lengths of twenty two feet.

11. Eleventh Cute animal Fact:

If you think humans are so special and highly evolved you probably won't be thrilled to know that we share 70% of our DNA with by the way the longest lifespan of a slug ever recorded is a year and a half so our slimy cousins don't live very long that's kind of sad.

12. Twelfth Cute animal Fact

Cute Animal Facts

Poor flamingos have trouble every time they get hungry the thing is they can only eat with their heads upside down have you ever tried eating upside down it's not an easy task.

13. Thirteenth Cute animal Fact

Cute Animal Facts

An interesting fact about gorillas is that they can eat about 40 pounds of food every day diet never heard of it.

14. Fourteenth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

This is the cutest thing you can imagine when seahorses mate they do it for life and when mates travel they hold onto each other's tails see I told you it was super cute.

15. Fifteenth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Oysters have the cool ability to change gender whenever they need they choose the gender that's most suitable for mating at a certain moment.

16. Sixteenth Cute animal Fact:

Cats are well known for their ability to move their ears but not so many people know hat a cat has 32 muscles on each year.

17. Seventeenth Cute animal Fact:

When you hear about giant pandas you probably imagine something huge right but a newborn panda only weighs as much as a small cup of coffee and is smaller than a mouse oh I want one.

18. Eighteenth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

The lion is considered the king of the jungle but it's actually the lioness that does 90% of all the hunting in the family you go girl.

19. Nineteenth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Horned lizards are pretty horrifying to see when they're defending themselves they shoot blood out of their eyes

20. Twentieth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Some fact about animal hearts an octopus has not one but three hearts and a whale's heart is really slow it beats just 9 times per minute.

21. Twenty-First Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Out of 5,000 North Atlantic lobsters one is born bright blue another interesting fact lobsters are known for their ability to regenerate legs antennae and claws.

22. Twenty-Second Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

There is one bird species that can fly backwards and that's hummingbirds these birds can also flap their wings up to 80 times a second.

23. Twenty-Third Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Giraffes clean their ears own toungue.

24. Twenty-Fourth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Iguanas are pretty tough creatures they can drop to the ground from a tree as tall as 40 feet and walk away completely unharmed.

25. Twenty-Fifth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

The eye of an ostrich is larger than its brain.

26. Twenty-Sixth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Everyone is aware that camels can go long periods of time without water but perhaps you didn't know that rats can live without the stuff even longer.

27. Twenty-Seventh Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A newborn Chinese water deer is so tiny that you can hold it in your palm oh yeah it's ridiculously adorable.

28. Twenty-Eighth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Water dwelling creatures like dolphins whales alligators crocodiles Turtles and water snakes can drown if they have to stay underwater for too long.

29. Twenty-Ninth Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

If you're trying to escape from a scorpion and are lucky enough to have some alcohol with you at the moment consider yourself saved just a little bit of alcohol port on a scorpion will drive it so crazy that it'll usually end up stinging itself to death.

30. Thirtieth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Baby kangaroos are born super tiny no more than an inch long that's the size of a large water bug or even a thief how do they not get lost in their mommy's pouch.

31. Thirty-First Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

If you've always believed that butterflies are beautiful in threatening creatures think again one species of butterfly living in Africa produces a potent enough poison to kill six cats.

32. Thirty-Second Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A tiger skin is just a stripe this firm but don't bow trying to shape a tiger just take my word for it please.

33. Thirty-Third Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

The flea is an amazing athlete it jumps 20 times higher than its own height and the human can do this they would be able to jump as high as the Empire State Building.

34. Thirty-Fourth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Do you think you have a lot of muscles in your body well that might be true but you never catch up with a common caterpillar it's got 248 muscles in its head alone.

35. Thirty-Fifth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

You can always tell a male turtlefrom a female females hiss well males grunt sounds familiar.

36. Thirty-Sixth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Male dogs raised their leg to pee because they want to aim as high as possible this way they'll seem large and intimidating some African Wild Dogs however take this even further and run up three trunks or at least try to when urinating to show the world how big and scary they are.

37. Thirty-Seventh Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Monarch butterflies have 12,000 eyes what's more this google-eyed creature can lay more than 250 eggs a day.

38. Thirty-Eighth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A starfish has eight eyes one on each of its eight legs.

39. Thirty-Ninth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A mole could easily make a prison escape in just one night It's able to dig a 300-foot long tunnel.

40. Fortieth Cute animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A giraffes heart must be extremely hard-working in fact it pumps two times harder than a cow's to get blood to the brain.

41. Forty-First Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Exoskeletons don't just exist in sci-fi movies there are creatures around us that wear it every day butterflies their skeletons are on the outside not inside of their bodies.

42. Forty-Second Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

You might know Dumbledore as Hogwarts headmaster but this is also an old term for a specific type of a beat.

43. Forty-Third Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

One study found that 33% of dog owners talked to their pets on the phone or leave them messages on the answering machine when they have to be away from home are you one of them.

44. Forty-Fourth Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A squids eye is the size of a basketball and wonder if it gets even bigger when they're surprised.

45. Forty-Fifth Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

A crocodile's tongue can't move because it's attached to the roof of its mouth.

46. Forty-Sixth Cute Animal Fact:

Cute Animal Facts

Not only humans have accents cows born in different regions move with a certain accent - so does this mean British cows have a British Moo.

47. Forty-Seventh Cute Animal Fact:


A crocodiles brain is no bigger than a cigar.

48. Forty-Eighth Animal Fact:


There have been no recorded incidents of a human being being attacked by a perfectly healthy wolf so if a wolf attacks somebody there's something wrong with it.

49. Forty-Ninth Cute Animal Fact:


Squirrels do more good for our planet than you realize they simply bury nuts that grow into trees because these funny little creatures often forget where they did in their dinner.

50. Fiftieth Cute Animal Fact:

50 Cute-Animal-Facts

People can snooze without closing our eyes and frogs can't swallow without blinking.


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